
Ffxiv colorset editor
Ffxiv colorset editor

➥ What religion are they?: Xhalth grew up believing in the gods of Eorzea though he doesn’t base his life on them. ➥ What do they do on rainy days?: Xhalth usually spends those days indoors, Usually by the fireplace and thinking about events past. ➥ What evokes strong memories for them?: The sound of a gentle stream, a cool night with stars shining, gentle fall of snow, and hot chocolate by a warm fire. Which lead to a misunderstanding and later arrest. Due to lack of communication on his part. His mind is usually running non-stop and often doesn’t realize that he’s been up all night till the morning sun is hitting him in the eyes through a window. ➥ What are they like when they stay up all night?: Xhalth rarely gets a full night’s rest. Before he would maybe drink a glass but never allow himself to get tipsy or drunk. ➥ Have they ever been drunk?: Not until Haurchefant died did he really take up drinking. This is a big reason why he is so reserved and keeps to himself. He tends to expect most people who are friendly to want a favor or something out of him rather than genuine friendship. ➥ Are they judgmental of others?: Due to his family dynamics and status, Xhalth is slow to trust. He would often play by the small stream at his family estate when he was younger as his mother would sing and tell stories. ➥ What is their favorite sound?: He likes the sound of running water. ) When Haurchefant died he felt for a long time he was to blame. His mother died when he was young giving birth to his youngest brother, and his father felt too much heartache to be close to him.( Xhalth is almost the spitting image of his mother. ➥ Have they ever lost someone close to them?: Haurchefant was the first person since his mother that he ever truly felt close to. His younger brother tended to have flings no matter what their status was, and he has seen what the aftermath brought when his brother became bored or interested in someone else. ➥ Have they been cheated on by a partner?: No but he has seen what the effects can bring. ( He does not mind sharing his partners though should they love another as well. He is very reserved by nature and wouldn’t go into a relationship unless he felt a connection beyond attraction. ➥ Have/would they ever cheat(ed) on a partner?: No. Anything with a Cello and piano in particular he loves. ➥ What sort of music do they enjoy?: Calming music. ➥ Do they have a favorite quote?: “Should you begin to lose heart, look to me in the stands, and I shall cheer so loud, you will ever wonder how you could ever contrive to doubt yourself!” - Haurchefant. He often gets roped into things against his wishes, which could have been avoided had he just stood his ground. More often than not him failing to speak up leads him into more trouble. He doesn’t like confrontation and one time when did stand his ground it resulted with him receiving his scars. ➥ What do they hate most about themselves?: Xhalth doesn’t usually speak up when in the middle of any conflict. Can be quite a jokester on rare occasions which often catches people by surprise. But has a tender side to him once he gets to really know a person. He comes across as pretty serious at a first. A tender voice that can easily be overlooked in a crowd. ➥ What is listening to their voice like?: Quiet spoken.

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He has slender build but not a mess of limbs. ➥ What body type are they?: Short for an Elezen, like his father. ➥ What is their complexion like?: Dark olive skin. another trait he inherited from his mother. ➥ What kind of hair do they have?: Dark almost indigo blue with ice frosted tips. ➥ What kind of eyes do they have?: One ice blue eye and one pale yellow eye, like his mother. His older brother Xhiron Ualair and his younger brother Xhelos Ualair.

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➥ Do they have any brothers or sisters?: Two brothers. ➥ What is your character’s full name?: Xhalth Ualair This was originally done by as far as I know, let me know if otherwise! Thanks to for checking and making sure this was eligible!

Ffxiv colorset editor